Norwegian National Costumes
Norwegian National Costumes are suits/dresses special and unique for each district or area of Norway. In Norway, they are also called nasjonaldrakt.
Just in case you didn't know,
Norwegians wear regular western clothing. These special garments (drakter) are worn on holidays and special occasions, such as weddings and the 17th of May, Norway's Constitution Day.

Lady's bunad from Oppdal.
Men's bunad from Northern Gudbrandsdal

Men in Norske Bunader There are a lot variations in the old tradition of Norway's bunader. Even some small villages and towns have their own unique nasjonaldrakt/festbunad (suit), especially for ladies, but for men, boys and girls, as well.
Boy in Bunad
Norwegian Children in National Costumes

Girls in Norwegian National Costume
Of course, even dolls dress up in Bunader/Norske Nasjonaldrakter.

Dolls dressed in Norwegian bunader
And guess what? You can even buy a "every-day suit" (kvardagsbunad/hverdagsdrakt), as well.
Every-day suits are from colorful cotton fabrics, of excellent quality, but are fairly plain in comparison to a bunad/festbunadand (party/celebration bunad).
It has very little embroidery, if any, but have a sterling silver brooch placed on the blouse.
All ladies' national costumes have sterling silver brooches on the blouses.

Norwegian Sterling Silver Brooches
The clasps on purses, brooches, buttons, clasps, belt buckles and ornaments on shoes are made of sterling silver or pewter.

Hand Embroidered Purse w/Pewter Clasp
and Pewter Belt
Kvardagsbunad is still very pretty, but are less expensive than a "fest" garment, which costs around $3,000.00 or more.
Needless to say, these beautiful garments are heirlooms. The price does not seem to stop the Norwegians from owning these precious suits.

Ladies in Norwegian Bunader

In Hardanger, many families have
their own special crowns,
which brides
wear on their wedding day.

Marit wearing her Hardangerbunad
Notice the unusual embroidery on the apron,
which is called Hardangersøm (Hardanger stitching or
embroidery). All the embroidery is hand-stitched. These garments are also called Festbunader (Celebration Costumes).
The blouses are made of white linen or
cotton. The white aprons are made of cotton. The suits are made of very fine wool fabric, but kvardagsdrakter are usually made of cotton fabric.

Girl in Norsk Kvardagsbunad

My cousin, Ann Bodil, (above)
in her Romsdalsbunad
17th of May/Syttende Mai/
Norway's Constitution Day.

My brother's family, dressed in Hardanger bunader,
Norwegian national costumes. Their son is wearing
The Norwegian King's Royal Guards uniform.
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Norwegians are patriotic. On the 17th of May, everybody brings out their Norwegian flag to show their love and honor to Norway. Norwegians are very proud of their counry. If they own a nasjonaldrakt, they will wear it on Syttende Mai.
If they don't carry a flag, they usually display red, white and blue ribbons on their jacket lapel.
Gutt i Norsk Nasjonaldrakt (left)
Boy in Norwegian National Costume.
Photo Bjarne Skjerve, Voss, Norway.

Our Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather Knut Oppedal
Oppedal Kongen (The King of Oppedal).
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Last, but not least, a picture of our Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather Knut Oppedal, also called Oppedal Kongen (the King of Oppedal) wearing a Norwegian costume. Notice how the suit is similar to the one the little boy is wearing above.
More about the Oppedal King another time.
If you would like to view lots of pictures of bunader or perhaps purchase one, click on Norwegian National Costumes
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